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Why All this Talk About Leadership?

Why has there been an emphasis through the years on leadership development in the Church of God?

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Do You Appreciate the Blessings that are Yours?

Events in the life of Esau teach us some lessons.

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Honoring Parents

A look at honoring our physical and spiritual parents.

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Standing In the Gap

Praying and pleading for Israel and humanity, we can make a difference.

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Fruits of Repentance

Have we really repented? Real repentance produces fruit. You know you have repented when fruit is growing and showing.

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Everything is going to be All Right!

A reminder that our God is a God of comfort.

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Passover - Recommitting to Baptism

Exactly what was it that we committed to God at baptism – or if we are considering baptism? What is it that God expects from us at the time of our baptism?

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Seduction - Can We Be Seduced?

Being on guard about mental seduction, wrong thinking can lead to spiritual death.

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The Path to Peace

How do we become a Peacemaker? God has defined a specific path for us to walk.

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Messages from the Storm for the Storm

A warning to combat Laodicean lethargy and open our eyes to the approaching Tribulation and to strenghten our commitment to accomplish the Work of God.

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