
Choose Life

Today I encourage you to choose life. 

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The Church of God is Organized - Part 2

Proof of whether the Church should organize into a corporate entity or it is acceptable to simply be independent and stay alone or in a very small disassociated group.

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Today I would like to look at the subject of kindness, where it comes from and how we can manifest it in our lives.

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The Church of God Fundamentally - Part 1

A comprehensive look at the fundamental belief regarding the Church of God.

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Is Your Weapon Ready

Using the word of God effectively and in faith.

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I Have no Idea

We have no idea the things God is preparing for us to deal with as He works with us to prepare us for His Kingdom.

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Are You Clothed With Power?

Are You Clothed With Power?

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Water and Its Role in Everlasting Life

We will discover water's essential role in everlasting life.

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Lessons from the Kings

As we prepare to be Kings, let's learn how not to be a good King from the stories of the Kings of Israel.

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A Review of End Time Prophecy

A Review of End Time Prophecy. 

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